University Acceptance of Class of 2021

Even though we are still in the midst of the effects of Covid-19 and online learning, our Springfield School senior students did not give up their hopes and dreams of continuing their higher education. 

Students have kept investigating and exploring the best route possible to build their future career and aspirations. Choosing a university should be considered as a personal match through research and inspiration. Through University and Career Counseling classes, Springfield students should be able to understand themselves much better and make an informed decision for the higher education journey that best suits their gifts and talents along with their aspirations. Our university guidance counsellor is always beside the students in their  important application process, document submission, essay writing and other necessary materials required as part of the application submission.

This year, some students have been able to go beyond their limits and achieve remarkable success in their educational journey both in domestic and overseas universities. Kudos to the Class of 2021 and their achievements. Springfield School encourages students to continue striving for excellence in whatever they do and wherever they go.

Some of them are even able to extend their achievement to become scholarship awardee from the universities they applied. They are able to stand out from other candidates, from other parts of the world, both in academics and non-academics. It is a true profound witnessing students’ achievement with the basis of commitment and strong academic aptitude. Another congartulations to the awardee!

Mr. Hadi Tandriawan

University and Career Counselor